June 26, 2018
Thinning Fruit For A Good Cause
Located in the heart of Hunterdon County, America’s Grow-A-Row is positively impacting the lives of others through a volunteer effort. America’s Grow-A-Row volunteer’s plant, pick, rescue and deliver free fresh produce to individuals in need. With the help of over 7,000 volunteers annually, Grow-A-Row is able to plant, pick, rescue, and donate over 1.2 million pounds of produce to hunger relief agencies throughout NJ!
Northfield Bank partnered with Grow-A-Row to assist in their thinning of fruits efforts for the early summer produce. Ten volunteers from various departments and branches throughout Northfield Bank were sent to Grow-A-Row to thin peaches and nectarines in preparation for the summer harvest. In addition to thinning fruits, volunteers also handpicked 70 stalks of asparagus for immediate donation.
During Northfield’s time in the peach and nectarine fields, their enthusiasm and hard work paid off in a major way. They were able to thin two entire rows of peaches and nectarines. Without performing this task, the trees would not be able to produce fruit in the size and quality needed to feed the communities Grow-A-Row serves.
If you're interested in learning more about America's Grow-A-Row or how to get involved, contact Julie Rusin at Julie@americasgrowarow.org.
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