Convenience Checking
Our Convenience Checking account is certified by Bank On National Account Standards to ensure that everyone has access to an affordable transactional banking account. Convenience Checking eliminates the worry of overdraft fees by not paying checks or approving debit/ATM card transactions if sufficient funds are not in the account(1).
Account Details
- No minimum balance(3)
- No monthly service charge
- No overdraft fees(1)
- E-Statement Required
- Unlimited Check Writing
Getting Started
Account Highlights
uChoose Rewards
Northfield Bank’s Visa Debit Card lets you pay directly from your checking account in person, online, over the phone, or through Apple or Google Pay. Plus, you’ll earn points with uChoose Rewards when using your card!

Each time you spend $2 with your Northfield debit card, you’ll earn one uChoose Reward point! Points can be used for cash back, gift cards, travel, event tickets, and merchandise. Participating in uChoose Rewards is free.
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Northfield’s online and mobile banking allows you to conveniently track your checking account balance and activities and pay bills easily. You can even deposit checks anytime with the Northfield Mobile App and set up email, text, and mobile push notifications.
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Account Features
Bank On
Certified by Bank On National Account Standards
Send and receive money quickly and safely(2).
Your deposits are insured up to allowable limits.
Check Writing
No limits on the amount of checks you write each month.